How To Connect Garmin Heart Rate Monitor To Peloton?

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While working out on a peloton, an essential thing we should do is track our hearts,

If we can’t track our heart rate, we won’t be able to get stats about our health or whether we are healthy or not.

So for that;

I recently purchased a Garmin Heart Rate Monitor but faced complications while connecting. I did little research and got to know how I can connect the Garmin heart rate monitor to the Peloton.

Linking a Garmin heart rate monitor to a Peloton bike is straightforward, with the necessary tools and knowledge, but it may be a major source of frustration without them.

Monitoring your heart rate while exercising is a great way to gauge your effort and development.

Furthermore, the Heart Rate Zone methodology will allow you to take advantage of cycling lessons designed specifically for your fitness level.

Our Heart Rate Zone sessions are designed to a certain intensity depending on your MHR, so you always know how hard or easy you should exercise.

Let’s look at how to connect a Garmin heart rate monitor to a Peloton bike.

How To Connect The Garmin Heart Rate Monitor To Peloton?

How To Connect Garmin Heart Rate Monitor To Peloton

To link your Garmin heart rate monitor to your Peloton cycle, you will need the following components:

  • Heart rate monitor compatible with Garmin.
  • That fitness app, Peloton.
  • A wireless connection using Bluetooth.

Once you have all of the required components, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Launch the Peloton app on your mobile device, then sign in using the information associated with your account.
  2. To change the settings for the app, select the “Settings” tab located in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Heart Rate Monitor Settings” from the menu that appears.
  4. If you really want to use a heart rate monitor via Bluetooth, ensure the option is turned on.
  5. You must first enter pairing mode to start using your Garmin heart rate monitor.
  6. Choose your Garmin device from the available options in the drop-down menu.
  7. To finish the pairing process, follow the on-screen directions.

Which Garmin Watches Pair With Peloton?

Peloton is compatible with Garmin watches equipped with either Bluetooth or ANT+ connectivity. Therefore, you can utilize any Garmin watch that is Bluetooth, or ANT+ enabled with the Peloton (Remember again: Only for sending heart rate data)

My Garmin Heart Rate Monitor Won’t Pair with Peloton

If your Garmin watch isn’t able to pair with Peloton, make sure to verify the following:

  1. The Garmin watch is not connected to devices other than the Peloton bike computer.
  2. Perform a reset on the heart rate monitor setting for the Peloton.
  3. It is important to ensure that the distance between the Peloton device and the watch is not too great.
  4. Before using your Garmin watch with Peloton, you must ensure that it has a full battery.
  5. Make sure that the watch is correctly fastened on either your wrist or your arm.
  6. Peloton Bluetooth should be checked out if you connect the watch using Bluetooth.
  7. Check to see that the screen on your Peloton bike is not connected to any other Bluetooth devices.

Can You Connect Garmin Watch To Peloton Digital App?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to connect the Garmin watch to the Peloton digital app. Only the Peloton bikes and treadmills are compatible with the watches, so you can only use them with those.


Garmin watches may not transfer much information on the Peloton bikes and treadmills, but they are compatible with the heart rate transmission feature. You can establish a connection between the watch and Peloton regardless of whether you are utilizing an older model of Garmin’s watch or a more recent one that is Bluetooth-enabled.

Your only task is determining whether your heart rate monitor uses ANT+ or Bluetooth as its wireless protocol. After that, you may proceed with the calibration.

However, remember that you can only link the Garmin watch to Peloton bikes and treadmills to use it. It does not matter what device or software you use; the Peloton watch is incompatible with the digital app.

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Tonny is an active cyclist with 7+ years of experience in coaching. With over 500 trained students, he is currently promoting safe cycling around the globe.

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